On Saturday November 30th Montauk residence and visitors endured the cold and wind to witness the 11th Lighting of the Lighthouse. With Sarah Conway and the Playful Souls entertaining the crowd with holiday favorites, families and friends were milling around waiting for the moment our 111 ft. lighthouse would illuminate the dark winter sky. Paul Forsberg, chosen by the lighthouse Committee to honor by having him turn on the lights, eagerly awaited pulling the switch. Paul and his family are long time Montauk residence and proprietors of the Viking Fleet.

Prior to lighting the lighthouse, Paul spoke to the crowd and reminisced about all of the years coming in from fishing trips, looking forward to seeing the light welcome them home, or hearing the fog horn to lead their way into the harbor. He also remembered many instances on return trips when he would make everyone be quiet so they could listen for the horn. The Montauk Lighthouse was truly the fisherman’s guide. After acknowledging his family and loyal employees of the Viking Fleet, he led the countdown and lit the lights. Following the lighting, we all enjoyed seeing Santa wave from the top of the lighthouse, welcoming in the festive season.
Chilly? Yes! But a wonderful time was had by all.
The Montauk Lighthouse will remain lit until after New Year’s. Although the grounds are closed to visitors until March, it’s worth a drive by to see the majestic tower in all her glory shining with the holiday spirit!