Well 2020 won’t be remembered for its great summer concerts – but oh, it will be remembered!
Last month we had to cancel the May’s Montauk Music Festival – as I write this it’s Thursday May 14th and we should have been getting ready for the Opening Party at the Westlake Fish House. Well it’s not happening and we are still living in a state of uncertainty. What will the summer look like? Will this Pandemic end? Will there be sufficient testing? A Vaccine?
Although this is not how we expected this spring to turn out, it just goes to show- we just never really know! Thanks to all of the hotels who donated rooms, sponsors who invested in the weekend production, and especially the many talented musicians who were planning on showcasing their talents for our enjoyment. Be safe, healthy and take care of each other- see you next spring.
As the festival weekend drew near we were missing the excitement and anticipation of the previous 10 years. Disappointed? Sure. However, there have been too many deeper disappointments for many people during this time of pandemic. So, we look towards 2021 with optimism that this will all be behind us.
On the weekend of what would have been the 11th Montauk Music Festival many musicians that were already scheduled for this year’s festival had reached out and expressed their concerns, disappointments, and uncertainties. We as well have been concerned about the future of live music.
Live music is important, such as that during a live performance the music unfolds in a unique and not predetermined way, potentially increasing anticipation and feelings of involvement for the audience. Sharing the same space as the musicians, as well as the excitement of the possibility of a song that had not yet been released is awe-inspiring. This is the theme of the Montauk Music Festival, as it was created for the performers to perform their original music.
This past weekend Steve & Elise Puglia from the Montauket offered to host a band to perform, without an audience, on the back deck during Montauk’s celebrated sunset. Complying with social distancing in a safe outdoor environment, the REALM, and an equal number of audience, videoed and streamed the performance for Facebook & Instagram reaching 1000’s of music lovers during a remarkable Sunset.
We are planning to do more virtual shows, presenting some of the over 300 festival bands recorded and live so you can still experience new live music.
While there isn’t a replacement for being present for live music, there is a value to this medium as a temporary substitute. We are exploring the benefits and technology in order to continue to give some of the music festival bands an opportunity to showcase, and the festival-goers a snippet of what’s to come in 2021.
Stay tuned to the music festival web site- www.montaukmusicfestival.com or our Facebook @themontaukmusicfestival or Instagram @montaukmusicfest for more details about a virtual MTK Music Festival for June.
In addition, we did find it necessary to postpone the July 11th Marshall Tucker Lighthouse Fundraising Concert. It will be held next summer – August 21st, 2021. Any ticket holders can use the tickets for the new date or get a full refund.
We look forward to seeing you all at the next concert!
~ Kenny & Sue Giustino