Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Happy New Year and welcome to this month’s edition of the Montauk Fire Department Corner. My name is Ken Glogg and, I am proud to say, have recently been sworn in as the Fire Chief of the Montauk Fire Department. I have been a member of the Montauk Fire Department for twenty-five plus years. During that time, I have served as the Lieutenant and Captain of Company No. 3 (Water Company), and Company No. 4 (EMS). More recently I have served as the Department’s 2nd Assistant Chief and 1st Assistant Chief. I’d like to thank the previous Chiefs for their commitment and, in particular, Ex-Chiefs Mitchell Valcich and Scott Snow, who have shared with me with their knowledge and experience to assist me in this endeavor. I look forward, along with the Officers, men, and women of the Montauk Fire Department, to serving the citizens of Montauk.
Please let me introduce to you the slate of Officers of the Montauk Fire Department for 2023:

Chief: Ken Glogg
1st Assistant Chief: Peter Joyce Jr.
2nd Assistant Chief: John McDonald
Treasurer: Dick White, Jr.
Secretary: Jeanine Miedzwiecki
Company No. 1 Captain: Joe McDonald
Company No. 1 Lieutenant: Joe Ferraro
Company No. 2 Captain: Thom Fleming
Company No. 2 Lieutenant: Heather Matthews
Company No. 3 Captain: Robert Gosman
Company No. 3 Lieutenant: Dave Ryan
Company No. 4 Captain: Ellen Cooke
Company No. 4 1st Lieutenant: Sue Farnham
Company No. 4 2nd Lieutenant: Rob Rosen
Company No. 5 Captain: Mike Martinsen
Company No. 5 Lieutenant: Jim Angelidis
Company No. 6 Captain: Ed Ecker Jr.
Company No. 6 Lieutenant: Harold “Herb” Herbert
Ladies Auxiliary President: Christine Schnell
Ladies Auxiliary 1st VP: Denise Balducci
Ladies Auxiliary 2nd VP: Kathy Mercurio
MFD Juniors Captain: Sara Stuckart
MFD Juniors Lieutenant: Austin Paine
As we all know, Montauk is an amazing community with a history of generosity. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people in the Montauk community who donated to the MFD Toy Drive. I am pleased to announce that over 300 new toys were given to children during this past holiday season. Thank you to the Community of Montauk for their overwhelming generosity! It is wonderful to see. A special thank you to the chairman of this committee, Denis O’Reilly. Great Job, Denis! Thanks.
On Sunday, December 4th, 2022 we held our annual Senior Citizen Holiday Dinner at the fire house. This annual event is sponsored by the MFD and the Montauk Point Lions Club. It had been two years since we were able to have seniors enjoy the day at the fire house.
As always, Joan Franzone and her crew of chefs put out a great dinner. A total of 500 dinners were served to seniors that day, either at the firehouse, pick-ups, or deliveries. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put this event on. Please see the accompanying photos.
On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 the MFD Old Timers night was held at Sammy’s Restaurant. That is a wonderful event where, as you can imagine, a lot of classic stories are shared.
That’s it for the Winter Edition of Montauk Fire Department Corner. Thank you to The Montauk Sun for giving us the opportunity to keep people up to date on the happenings at the Montauk Fire Department. I look forward to sharing news with you next month.
~ Ken Glogg, Chief
Montauk Fire Department