Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Hello, and Happy New Year to all from the officers, men, and women of the Montauk Fire Department. I hope that everyone had a safe and fun Holiday season and that you are looking forward to a productive New Year.
First, I’d like to catch up on some Holiday events that happened around the Montauk Fire Department. In early December, the MFD provided 9-3-14, our tower truck, to help with the holiday lights parade at East Hampton High School. This event started only a few years ago but is fast becoming very popular and well attended.
There are no greater community minded organizations than the Montauk Fire Department and the Montauk Point Lions Club. On Sunday, December 3, 2023 the Montauk Fire Department and Montauk Point Lions Club demonstrated it again. Montauk Seniors were invited to the firehouse for a free full course holiday meal from the firehouse kitchen, led by Chef Joan Franzone. Meals were provided in either the apparatus bay, which was set up with long community style tables for the occasion or drive-by pickup. For those unable to make it to the fire house, MFD and Lions Club volunteers gladly delivered shopping bags of goodies to Seniors at home. In true Montauk community spirit and tradition, it was an all-hands-on-deck event from the MFD members including the Ladies Auxiliary and Junior firefighters and students from Montauk school and East Hampton High School. I am so thankful and proud of our Members who assisted at this fantastic annual event.
On Sunday, December 10, 2023 Santa Claus arrived at the Montauk Fire Department. Santa was brought in riding one of the MFD
brush trucks and escorted by several firetrucks. Many young children and their families enjoyed a great afternoon with delicious snacks, arts and crafts and games.
On New Year’s Day, 2024 the Montauk Fire Department held their annual Swearing In Ceremony for 2024 MFD Officers. All Officers were sworn in by Montauk Fire District Commissioner Rich Schoen who was recently re-elected to another 5-year term and serves as the Chairman of the Montauk Fire District Commissioners. As always, this event was well attended, and refreshments were served upon completion of the ceremony.
The 2024 line up of Officers is as follows:
Company No. 1 Captain Joe McDonald; Lt. Mike Groen
Company No. 2 Captain Thom Fleming; Lt. Heather Matthews
Company No. 3 Captain Robert Gosman; Lt. David Ryan
Company No. 4 Captain Ellen Cooke; Lt. Sue Farnham; Lt. Rob Rosen
Company No. 5 Captain Mike Martinsen; Lt. Dave Marmeno
Company No. 6 Captain Ed Ecker, Jr.; Lt. Dick White, Jr.
Ladies Auxiliary President Christine Schnell; 1st Vice President Denice Balducci; 2nd Vice President Tricia Erb
Montauk Junior Fire Department Captain Austin Payne; Lt. Taff Kiesewetter
Department Treasurer Dick White, Jr. Department Secretary Jeanine Miedzwiecki
Congratulations and good luck to all MFD officers. I, along with Assistant Chiefs Joyce and McDonald, look forward to working with you and the Members in 2024 to make the Montauk Fire Department the best it can be.
Happy New Year to all!
~ Ken Glogg, Chief, Montauk Fire Departmet