Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Welcome to this month’s edition of Montauk Fire Department Corner. I hope everyone had a nice, peaceful Memorial Day weekend. I’m sure it’s obvious to all of us that summer is here, along with the usual dramatic increase in vehicle and pedestrian traffic in just the last few weeks. Later in this edition I’m going to give a few common sense tips for safety this summer.
As I mentioned in last month’s article the Montauk Fire Department conducted a “Wild land forest fire” comprehensive brush fire drill last month, but the pictures were not available in time for last month’s article. Please enjoy the photos provided here by Honorary Chief Rich Lewin from May’s Drill. Additional Department news–the new water/hose truck was commissioned into full service on Wednesday, June 20th. It is a fine
piece of equipment that will increase our ability to serve our community using the latest techniques.
On behalf of the officers, men and women of the Montauk Fire Department, I would like to welcome our newest member, Laura Burr, into our ranks. Laura was installed in the Montauk Fire Department last month and will be starting her Emergency Medical Technician training in the near future. We wish her all the best in this endeavor.
Don’t forget the Montauk Chamber of Commerce’s Fourth of July fireworks display to be held on Wednesday, July 4th. As always the actual fireworks will be at Umbrella beach located at the west end of the village, but can be seen from many different locations in or around the village area. As you may be aware this is a big event with many people from outside of Montauk coming to enjoy show, so please be mindful of pedestrians, bikers, etc. when you are driving around town.
Along this same vein I’d like to give everyone a few safety tip reminders for the summer. Obviously these are things that we all know, but I thought a reminder can always be helpful.
If you are opening up your house/condo from the winter be sure your fire alarms are working and that your fire extinguisher is up to date.
Have appropriate emergency phone numbers near your house phone(s)
Be alert, listen and look for emergency vehicles while traveling and safely pull over when necessary or required.
Have fun at the beach, but please thoroughly extinguish all beach fires.
Also at the beach, swim in a life guard protected area, and always try to use the buddy system.
Be sure your gas grill tanks are safe and operating properly.
Remember while biking ride safely with traffic.
While walking/jogging go against traffic.
Last but not least, please be aware of people walking on and across our highways, particularly in the evening and after sunset. Just taking it a little slower than usual, and being a little more in tune to what’s going on around you, can make a big difference.
That wraps up this month’s edition of the Montauk Fire Department Corner. Have a fun and safe Fourth of July holiday, and I’ll be back with more news of the MFD next month.
~ Vincent Franzone, Chief,
Montauk Fire Department