Insightful Impressions…Astrology Outlook with Francine Tesler: January 2024

January 2024

Happy New Year! On January 11, 2024, a New Moon in Capricorn began a new cycle. This aspect signifies a fresh start in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. During this time, we can channel the constructive traits of the character, such as tenacity, resourcefulness, discipline, wisdom, ambition, prudence, and constancy, and strive to integrate them positively into our lives. It’s an excellent opportunity to focus on practical and achievable long-term goals, develop maturity and common sense, prepare for the future, make commitments, and realistically acknowledge our responsibilities. The Sagittarius New Moon cycle ends, and the Capricorn New Moon cycle begins, representing a time of new beginnings and growth.

With the powerful energy of Capricorn, we have an excellent time to make some structure and organization into our lives. It’s a good time to make concrete plans and prepare ourselves for the rewards that await us after our new beginnings, no matter how big or small, about two weeks after the Full Moon. One important lesson that we can learn from Capricorn is that setting reasonable boundaries and rules can give us more freedom – freedom from worry and chaos. By setting goals for ourselves, we can focus on what truly matters and make progress in our lives. Trusting our intuition more can also help us develop a healthy relationship with change and create a feeling of progress in our lives.

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, there will be a Full Wolf Moon. According to folklore, January’s full Moon is called the Wolf Moon because wolves were often heard howling at this time. While people used to think that wolves howled because they were hungry during winter, we now know that these vocalizations serve various purposes, such as defining territory, locating pack members, strengthening social bonds, and coordinating hunting. Use this time to set your intentions!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) — Happy birthday Capricorn! Plan how to use your creativity to have more fun. Romantic adventures sweep you up. Ensure you have everything you need; there is no telling where the night will lead. Romantic sparks fly under the most unlikely circumstances. You are qualified to do more than you think. Economic factors affect your personal life this week.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) — You need to broaden your horizons. Reflect on your past activities. Remember that we must revisit the past to deal with the present and the future. Financial pressures are being alleviated. Love opportunities are out there. You need to project a positive image. This will help draw in new friendships that could turn romantic.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) — It’s time for a new you. For quite a while, you have been out of touch with yourself. Alterations are vital. Your emotional agenda is clear, but lovers need to be clued in. They want to help, but they have to know what you need before they can provide it. Immerse yourself in your work and keep your mood upbeat. This way, you can come up with new ideas.

Aries (March 21 – April 20) — Someone finds you sexy when you argue and get angry. Be sure not to let your feelings get the best of you. You control your destiny in business and on a personal level. You are feisty and could intimidate those who do not know you well. You meet some challenges at work with good problem-solving ideas. This helps in providing solutions for any foreseeable difficulties. Lead by doing.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21) — Avoid being too quick to say yes or no. Be receptive to new possibilities. You can encounter excellent new relationships in the right place at the right time. Follow your instincts. Your skills will accomplish what many cannot. Set a goal that is reasonably attainable at work.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21) — Looking inward is the best thing you can do for a relationship this weekend. You get invited to a party. Even if your friend bows out at the last moment, attend the event. If you feel it’s a chore to go out and meet people, it won’t be until you get to the party. Don’t be surprised if you are the last one to leave.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22) — Make room for delays and unexpected changes and be open to new ideas. You may find yourself feeling frustrated at a current situation. Make time for hobbies and exercise regimes. This will help you to relax and feel less stressed. As you stumble through challenges, specific emotional supports may have disappeared. You are not alone. It would help if you learned to depend on yourself. Try a joint project at work, and you will be well appreciated and financially compensated for your efforts.

Leo (July 23 – August 23) — Make room for delays and unexpected changes and be open to new ideas. You may find yourself feeling frustrated at a current situation. Make time for hobbies and exercise regimes. This will help you to relax and feel less stressed. As you stumble through challenges, specific emotional supports may have disappeared.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22) — A change in your mental perspective brings on a positive series of events. Reverse the way you have been dealing with a problematic relationship. Listen to your intuition; you will know if someone interests you. You do not have to wait around to know. Work lets you share jokes and lighthearted fun.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) — Your career is evolving into a more creative one, which is good, but you will soon find yourself on the front lines and in the public eye more than before. You are unstoppable this week.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) — Personal matters weigh on your mind. Decisions, decisions.You feel like a kid in the candy store. Your ability to be calm, rational, and objective will help you to get through this period. When you think you have made your choice, another option comes in. Sometimes, laying back, watching, and doing nothing is the best action.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22) — Keep things light. You tend to work well under pressure. In terms of your career, avoid any on-the-job conflicts by turning the other cheek and biting your tongue until the end of the month, and you will be rewarded for your tolerance.


Please contact Francine Tesler Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive for an appointment in her office:
220 King St., Chappaqua, NY • • (914) 469-6693 •