The 2020 VIRTUAL International Day of Peace World Wide Broadcast Was a Success
Eventhough the Times Square and Central Park events were canceled due to COVID, we created an outstanding broadcast, go to www.goodnewsplanet.TV and www.peacedayparty.org to watch the broadcast that occurred on September 21, 2020 11a-1p & 7p (When we ring the heroes bells) to 9p.
WHY: More than ever do we need Peace in the World.193 Countries in the United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace. Cease Fire. McKinsey Co. states that 1.6. Billion people are aware of the day. Covid heroes are thanked and respected during the broadcast
THE SHOW PARTICIPANTS: Appearing in the broadcast are people speaking for Peace, Love & HOPE for years: The Preamble, Heroes Bells, Michael Douglas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dr. Jane Goodall, Shakira, John Lennon/Yoko, Stevie Wonder, Ringo, Alexandra Pope, Kerri Kasem, Michelle Phillips, FOWPAL, Dr. Kazuko, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Talent from the 2019 Times Square Broadcast, Westside Comedy, Peace Index, First Lady Matilda Cuomo, England’s National Health System, Tom Foolery, Kayla Peale, Ms. Ma, Yue-Sai Kan, George Goetschel, Nashville Symphony Choir, nonprofits and more. Additionally, there will be segments from a special movie release that occurred in 1989 for the 20th Anniversary of Woodstock at Times Square, NY with Richie Havens. Woodstock Forever: Peace Love & HOPE capturers that event with superstars/everyday people & heroes of today. www.woodstockforever.org.
BROADCASTERS: Events happened all over the world and Good News Corporation, a nonprofit usually takes over Times Square, Duffy Square and has an Annual Peace Day event, www.peacedayparty.org, for thousands. The 2020 LIVE Broadcast will go from 10am-1pm and repeat at 7PM – 9p est. on www.goodnewsplanet.TV, www.peacedayparty.org, www.ibm.TV, www.goodnewschina.tv and segments on many stations/social networks worldwide, inc. Facebook, You Tube, Apple, Hulu, Dish, Direct, Sling, YOUKU, peacechannel.com. SaraBeth Corporation, You Can’t Have That Foundation and Dr. Kazuko/Gaia Holistic all help to make this event possible.
For Information: Please Contact Paul Sladkus, 917 687 1790, text, What’s App, WeChat, paul.sladkus@goodnewsbroadcast.com