It’s April! Before you know it, we’ll all be back on the rip. The old timers were taught by the “old school”. There was no fancy equipment, no weather buoys, no satellite imagery. What they did was use a Barometer and “hand me down” knowledge from their predecessors and historical seasonal events.
Capt. Bob Tuma was a fountain of knowledge and knew a lot of these old time techniques. One in particular that I have found to be fairly accurate is whatever the weather is at daybreak on the day of the seasonal change, that’s going to be pretty much the weather pattern for that season.

Well, the good news is that the weather on the first day of spring this year was absolutely gorgeous. Calm winds, and clear skies was a welcome sight! I’m counting on you up there Capt. Bob. Don’t make me look bad!! LOL!
For a lot of people that went south over the winter, the weather was not as nice unfortunately. Although the fishing was good, getting out to the fishing grounds was quite a task. When the seas calmed anglers were rewarded with plenty of varieties of fish to choose from.
Our season is quickly approaching and of course the fishing regulations for 2022 will most likely be changing. It’s important to get a copy of the regulations each season, because if you are caught with fish that are out of compliance, it could ruin your entire day, and they confiscate your supper!

The regulations for the 2022 season are not etched in stone just yet, but here is what is being discussed. Fluke were 19 inches 4 fish per angler, proposed 2022 Fluke Regs. is 4 fish per angler at 18.5 inches. Black Sea Bass were at 15 inches, the 2022 proposal is to go up an inch to 16 inches. Same bag limit per angler, 3 per angler from June 23rd to August 31st, then goes to 7 per angler from September 1st to December 31st. Striped Bass will most likely remain the same. One fish per angler, slot size is 28 inches to 35 inches. Porgy Regs. may change regarding state and federal waters, but we have no real information on that as of yet. Offshore Regs. for the Mako shark have implicated a 2 year moratorium. No Mako shark can be taken for the next 2 years. I’ve mentioned all this before, but every year people still ask what the regulations are over the radio.
It won’t be long now till those rods will be bending!
~ Tight Lines, Captain Skip