by Patria Baradi Pacis
July Birthdays
It’s been a great summer so far at Montauk’s Senior Nutrition Center with lots of activities and delicious food made by the newly hired Chef Derek. Celebrants for the month of July are William Schmidt, Iris Mitchell, Teresa Harrington, Sharon Sennefelder and Cam Pacis. We missed you Rosalind Baiardi.
Happy Birthday July Babies and may you have many, many, more to come! Here’s hoping the rest of the summer weather will be just as good. Hot during the day but cool at night.
If you are 60 and over, you can join this energetic group for lunch on week days at noon for only $3.00. If you need transportation, that too can be arranged. For more info, kindly call Executive Director Sharon Sennefelder at 631 668 1023 or e mail her at mtksenctr@gmail.com.
Over 90 Luncheon

On Friday, August 16, the Senior Nutrition Center honored 14 young at heart citizens of Montauk: Alan (Buddy) Burke, Marianne Menonna, Olga DiNapoli, Edna Neuer, Jean Ruggles, Antonio (Tony) Corvi, Detlev Zimmerman, Eugene Klausman, Teresa Harrington, Evelyn Walles, Anna Shvedowsky Rosalind Baiardi, Vincent Grimes and Joyce Whitman.
As each senior entered the room, they were presented with a Hawaiian lei by Executive Director Sharon Sennefelder and Director of Human Resources Diane Patrizio who helped them to their seats. Entertainment was provided by children from the Pre-K class at the Center who sang several songs including “Happy Birthday” to the honorees. The room was beautifully decorated with yellow, gladiola flowers on each table and creative golden CD’s with each of the honorees names incased in a yellow frame entitled “Nonagenarians Golden Oldies” that was lovingly made by fellow senior, Nolda Vivo.
East Hampton Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc with the help of Councilwomen Sylvia Oberby and Kathee Burke-Gonzalez awarded each honoree with a Certificate of Appreciation Plaque for their contribution to the community. This was followed by a scrumptious lunch of dumplings, vegetable spring rolls, turkey, mash potatoes, carrots and lemon meringue pie topped with whipped cream served by hard working volunteers.
It is occasions such as this that makes Montauk very special. We are blessed to live in a town that truly cares for each other young and old. Congratulations Nonagenarians! Thank you for all your love and guidance through the years!