Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Welcome to this month’s edition of Montauk Fire Department Corner. It was a nice Memorial Day weekend in Montauk, and we hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday.
On May 21, 2022, members of the Montauk Fire Department, East Hampton Town Police, Marine Patrol and a Montauk community member were presented with a CPR Lifesaving Award by the Suffolk Regional Medical Services Council (REMSCO). These individuals were honored for their successful pre-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation of a man on July 27, 2021. The man had fallen victim of a sudden cardiac arrest while at a meeting in a public place. In addition to this multi-agency teamwork displayed in this successful cardiac arrest, a citizen of Montauk was at this meeting and recognized that the person was in cardiac arrest and began CPR. Montauk Fire Chief Snow would like to remind everyone that bystander CPR and use of the AED are essential to improve the chances of survival from an out of hospital cardiac arrest. Please contact the Montauk Fire Department if you would like to receive information on how you may learn these lifesaving skills.
On Monday, May 24th the Montauk Fire Department conducted their monthly drill at the Montauk Downs. This drill was a combined effort of all six companies of the department and focused on truck placement, water delivery, fire personnel and patient care at large incidents.
On Monday, May 30th members of the Montauk Fire Department proudly participated in East Hampton Village’s annual Memorial Day parade. Fire & EMS departments from the East End participated along with many Veterans’ groups, and local citizens. God Bless America.
Every year the Montauk Fire Department gives out four scholarships to high school seniors to assist them in their upcoming college careers, and to honor deceased members of the Montauk Fire Department. The scholarships were recently announced and presented by Chief Snow at the East Hampton High School Awards Night. This year’s winners are:
Delilah Desmond – John Mulligan scholarship
David Gregorio – Skip Cannon scholarship
Emma Stein – Hank Zebrowski scholarship
Julianne Murray – Don Truesdale scholarship
Congratulations to these fine young Montauk residents and to the entire 2022 graduating class.
After a two-year hiatus due to COVID the Mighty Montauk Triathlon returned to Montauk this year on Saturday, June 11th. As always Montauk Fire Department personnel were asked to provide traffic control and Emergency Medical Services for the event. This was the Mighty Montauk’s 40th anniversary of sponsoring this event and the Fire Department congratulates Merle McDonald for this milestone.
On Friday, June 10th over ten East end Fire Departments were called to a mutual aid structure fire in the hamlet of Bridgehampton. Montauk Fire Department was one of the mutual aid responders and sent a water tanker to the scene under the direction of Second Assistant Chief Peter Joyce, Jr.
That’s it for this month’s Montauk Fire Department Corner. Please enjoy a happy, safe, and fun July 4th weekend.