by Sue Giustino
Located in the building on the grounds of the Montauk Train Station, this hidden gem offers a wonderful bit of culture in the most unexpected place.
“The Montauk Artists Association was founded by jazz great Percy Heath. When it was started, we had great financial support from many local celebrities, as well as the building we are located in being offered by then MTA chair Virgil Conway.” John Papaleo the association treasurer told me.
Since then, they have undergone several transitions. Most recently the pandemic caused them to go broke. Only with a lot of hard work, dedication, and teamwork were they able to get back on their feet. In the process, the association had to regain the confidence of the many artists they deal with at the gallery, as well as the hundreds of vendors involved with the two outdoor art shows on the Montauk Green every summer.
The MAA Juried Art Shows on the Green will be JUNE 2, 3, 4 and AUGUST 18, 19, 20, 2023; see the website for details.
The gallery space was renovated last season, and have since expanded the number of shows to be produced there. The expanded schedule starts on May 18th with a show featuring the Seniors from the Easy Hampton HS Art Department.
“We have never done this before but feel it is important for young artists to be seen in an environment outside the classroom. There will be an opening reception for that show on Saturday May 20th from 5-7PM,” said John.
There is a new show every other Thursday beginning May 25, and a reception every other Saturday beginning May 27. Shows run until the end of October and feature many local artists, as well as members in one, two, three, or four person shows. The next show opens on May 25th with an opening reception from 5-7PM on the 27th.
This year, in honor of Percy Heath, the association is expanding into the world of music, offering open jam sessions to local musicians. According to John, “The goal being to allow younger players to play with more experienced musicians, and to gain confidence in their abilities and grow their musical horizons. Our mission is to provide an outlet for local talent to present themselves. Montauks always been, and we hope will always be, a place where music and art play an important part in people’s lives.”
Be sure to visit their website, www.MontaukArtistsAssociation.org and get on the mailing list for updates and events.