The show will feature small paintings, drawings, photography, sculpture, relief work, and video by a variety of Springs artists ranging from our notable resident artists Ross Bleckner and Cindy Sherman, to two young artists currently students at East Hampton High School. Proceeds of sales benefit the Springs Community Library upkeep.

This show is titled STORIES, the theme inspired by the library setting. The artists explore their work in terms of its ‘story’– the story of its meaning, the story of its making, or a story it invokes. Artists will include a short piece of writing. The work in STORIES hopes to inspire the importance of creative freedom that libraries encourage and protect.
Opening reception for STORIES: Sunday, June 9, 11am-1pm at The Springs Library. The show will be open until Monday, July 8, during library hours. Works are for sale. 25% of sales proceeds will go to The Springs Library.
Springs Community Library 1 Parsons Place, East Hampton, NY 11937
631-324-3165 www.springshistoricalsociety.org