An anacoluthon is a word that describes a certain way of expression that breaks a grammatical sequence. The description is similar to the latin nominativus pendens. The anacoluthon grammatical form proves useful in the following poem because if its theme–madness. The poems main event is in the last line. You might have fun looking it up—oh never mind.
I am enclosed in six walls – l can’t feel it
The culpable containment—no, I can’t patiently wait.
All because —not to crawl like a bug.
Time, it’s time–It’s too late to….
to flap and move out—I can’t find it.
of the seven walls—I’m so lost.
I need to sleep—You’re not doing it.
She whispers gagging to me—who are you, where
the lilacs are so fragrant—another inch closer and your dead.
Opened wet and inviting-rage, rage against the sight.
Come in, welcome.—you’re not real.
I can’t leave—there are too many walls.
My neck stiffens
No feeling
No thought
No confusion
No anger
Only madness.
Quem deus vult perdere prius dementat