Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography (soniboy@aol.com)
Hello, and welcome to this month’s edition of the Montauk Fire Department Corner. I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe Labor Day holiday weekend. Just a reminder that, even though the busiest months of 2021 are behind us, Montauk is still crowded, and I’m urging everyone to continue to use caution while driving, and to keep an ear and eye out for emergency vehicles, bikers, and pedestrians. Also, please take all necessary precautions while barbecuing or enjoying a (legal) beach fire.
On a sad note, John Bolton, a twenty-year member of the Montauk Fire Department, passed away in Jupiter, Florida on July 19th. John was a native of Montauk who moved to Florida and worked in the construction business. John was a very active Member of the Montauk Fire Department. He served as Captain of Company No. 1, and was on the Montauk Ambulance Squad as an EMT & AEMT. On behalf of the officers, men and women of the Montauk Fire Department, I offer our condolences to the Bolton family. John is third from the left in the back row, in the classic MFD photo you see here.
On Sunday, July 18th members of the Montauk Fire Department Company No. 6 provided traffic control for this year’s Montauk Lighthouse Triathlon. Even though last year’s race was cancelled, the members of Company 6 showed that they were still on top of their game this year, by providing guidance to approximately 500 bicyclists through the intersection of Route 27 and West Lake Drive. Additionally, EMT’s from Montauk Fire Department Company No. 4 stood by to provide any medical services if necessary. This annual fund raiser for the Lighthouse coincided with a Montauk Historical Society Lighthouse event.
Company No. 4 member and EMT Jesse James took some of her visiting family and friends for a tour of the Montauk Fire Department. Kneeling in the picture are Mara Certic, visiting from New Orleans, with 3 year old Tom Partridge and 7 year old George Partridge who are visiting from Winchester, United Kingdom. The happy group is flanked by their mother Mia Certic and their aunt Jesse James. I think it is fantastic when people visit us and I encourage anyone who would like a tour of the fire department to stop by.
Last, but not least, don’t forget that the Montauk Fire Department Big Bucks drawing will be held on Sunday, September 19th. We will be doing the drawing remotely again this year. You can follow the drawing starting at 1:00 p.m., September 19th on Instagram@mfd_Big-Bucks. Additionally, we are close to a sellout, so call (631) 668-3755 to get one of the last remaining tickets…you may be a Big Bucks winner.
That’s all for this month. Enjoy the upcoming fall season in Montauk.
~ Mitchell Valcich, Chief, Montauk Fire Department