Photos by Richard Lewin Professional Photography
Welcome to this month’s issue of the Montauk Fire Department Corner. I would like to start by saying once again how thankful I am to be afforded the opportunity to report in The Montauk Sun some of the interesting and important things that are happening in the Montauk Fire Department. Owner/Publisher Ken Giustino and Editor Stefan Lonce have been extremely generous in offering us space over the last four years and I thank them. Also a shout out of thanks to the Department’s photographer (and Honorary Chief), Richard Lewin. Thank you for your continued support.
On Friday, September 29th, the Montauk Fire Department held our annual Inspection Dinner under the big top on the Montauk Fire Department grounds. It was a spectacular evening and well attended by our personnel and their guests, including Chiefs from other Departments and Town dignitaries. I would like to publicly thank the chairman of the dinner committee, Tim O’Rourke. As always Tim did an excellent job and a good time was had by all.
I would also like to thank John Erb and his crew from the Harvest Restaurant. They really made it a special night. Lastly I would like to reiterate some of my comments from that night and tell the officers and Members of the Montauk Fire Department how proud I am to be working with them. Their selfless dedication to our community is an inspiration to everyone.
As part of our Installation Dinner, awards were handed out for superior service on the part of our personnel. Fireman of the Year was presented to Mike Martinsen, EMT of the Year was presented to Dustin Lightcap, and the Company of the Year was Company 5.
Congratulations to all. Please enjoy some of the photos provided by Rich Lewin.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Montauk Fire Department’s T.E.R.C. team, which stands for Transportation Emergency Rescue Committee, who competed in the North American Vehicle Rescue Challenge in Nova Scotia last month. Our team consisted of Ex-Chief Joe Lenahan – Incident Commander, Thom Fleming – Medic, Ex-Chief Mike Mirras, Assistant Medic and tool handler, and firefighters Chris Carillo, Domingo Schiappacasse, and Tato
Estrella. Tool handlers took first place in the unlimited competition, second place in the rapid competition, and second place overall for the North American region. This is quite an accomplishment for a department of our size competing against many other larger departments throughout all of North America. Congratulations once again. You make us all proud.
As always please enjoy the pictures provided by Rich Lewin.
Thanks again for reading the Montauk Fire Department Corner, and keeping up on current affairs around the fire department. I hope everyone has a safe, healthy and blessed Thanksgiving. See you next month.
~ Vincent Franzone, Chief, Montauk Fire Department