by Patria Baradi Pacis
The sleepy town of Montauk has awaken from the cold, winter months. Our daffodils are in full bloom, enjoying the April showers. With many more people getting vaccinated, there are more people walking on our beautiful, white, sandy beaches, eating inside and out and going shopping on Main Street.
The million dollar question is: “When will the Senior Nutrition Center open?” The answer to that is: “No one really knows.” In the meantime, this reporter would like to wish the May babies: Nolda Vivo, Evelyn Walles, Edna Neuer, Iris (Chicky) Aster, my sister Perla Spanskie and yours truly, many more happier and healthier birthdays to come. We have a lot to be thankful for.
One piece of good news is the reopening of the Montauk Community Church on a limited capacity, after being closed for more than a year. For those wishing to stay at home, there will still be weekly recordings on Youtube by Pastor Bill Hoffmann until all restrictions are lifted. St. Therese Lisieux Catholic Church, a much larger building, was open the whole time.
If you are 60 years old and over and need more information regarding the Center and what it has to offer, kindly contact, Executive Director Therese Jarmain at 631-668-1023 or email her at mtksencenter@gmail.com or call Director of Human Services Diane Patrizio at 631-329-6939 or email her at dpatrizio@ehamptonny.gov.