May 2021
Dear Montauk Sun Friends,
The people of Montauk and those who come to visit love our environment that we live in. Someone said that only 20% of the land is occupied with buildings… this is an outstanding realization for NATURE. Some say that Montauk is Heaven… I agree. With all this in mind let’s take care of Montauk together, so our environment stays safe and beautiful. I am sure we will together. That is the Good News! And our Good News Motto for 23 years has been, “All we are is what we are with each other.”
Our company, Milestone Broadcast Corporation, broadcasted a 2 hour Earth Day special, on April 22, 2021 that was part of the 24 Hour World Wide VIRTUAL Love 2 The World Broadcast. This Broadcast will repeat on June 21, 2021.
GOOD NEWS MONTAUK FRIENDS GO TO: http://goodnewsplanet.com/milestone-broadcast-corporation-has-produced-a-2-hour-earth-day-special-april-22-2021-to-be-part-of-the-24-hour/
WHEN: June 21, 2021 7pm est (When we ring the heroes bells) to 9pm est. on www.goodnewsplanet.TV and other worldwide channels. Download iradios.ca app or Google Play Store…Love 2 the World for the whole broadcast.
WHAT: A well-known group of media professionals are creating a special 24 hour broadcast for Earth Day. . The event will be followed up with another 24 hour broadcast from Niagara Falls on June 21st, on World Music Day and a Love Channel Announcement. Milestone Broadcast Corporation (MBC), is producing the New York special for the nonprofit Good News Corporation (GNC). Estimated Viewership, through traditional media, new technologies and social platforms to be in the billions.
WHO: Content for the broadcast will come from MBC’s (www.goodnewsplanet.TV), (www.goodnewsbroadcast.com) and GNC’s Peace Day Party (www.peacedayparty.org), as well as their movie, www.woodstockforever.org. More than ever do we need Peace & Love in the World, 193 Countries in the United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace… Cease Fire. McKinsey Co. states that 1.6. Billion people are aware of the day. Love for the Earth, is integral to Peace and our broadcasts has featured Earth Content for years, even worked with the UN for World Water Day. Any money raised for our programs will go toward charities of the talent, aligned with the Millennial Goals of the UN.
SHOW PARTICIPANTS – Covid heroes are thanked and respected during the broadcast. Also appearing in the broadcast are people speaking for Peace, Love & HOPE for years: Dionne Warwick starts the Broadcast, Paul Sladkus Hosts, The Preamble sung by Therese Thomason, Michael Douglas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dr.Jane Goodall, Shakira, Dr. Mehmet Oz, John Lennon/Yoko, Stevie Wonder, Ringo, Robin Williams, Alexandra Pope, Kerri Kasem, Michelle Phillips, FOWPAL, First Lady Matilda Cuomo, England’s National Health System, Tom Foolery, Kayla Peale/Amazon, Ms. Ma, Yue-Sai Kan, Dr..Bernie Siegel, George Goetschel, Nashville Symphony Choir, LiveClimate.com, Patrick Bergin, Chloe Temtchine, David Lynch, Harlem Globetrotters, Claire Diab , Reid Stowe, Katya Grineva, nonprofits and more.
Additionally, there will be segments from a special movie release for August 2021 that occurred in 1989 for the 20th Anniversary of Woodstock at Times Square, NY with Richie Havens. Woodstock Forever: Peace Love & HOPE capturers that event with superstars/everyday people & heroes of today. www.woodstockforever.org.
Additional Great Talent in the broadcast are: Mario René Padilla Opening Music, Peyo The Horse, Tayna Lawrence McDonalds, Constatine Florist, Museum of Natural History, Kids hugging/kissing, Alexander Pope, Michelle Harris, Kerri Kasem, “Animal Angels”, Paul Josephs, Holmes Stoner, IBM, Alisa Farina Maynard, Mustard’s Retreat, Earth Pledge Song, Al Smith, Rick Ulfik, Juma Sultan & Geraldo Velez From the Original Jimmy Hendrix Band, Papa Guyo & Days of Wild Band , Indiggo Twins, Michael Fitzpatrick, Heroes Thanks, Dame Munni Irone, Dr. Gellini, Steve Killelea, Prince Frederick Von Saxe-Lauenberg, Bill McCarthy, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, FOWPAL Anny Peng, Dr. Kazuko Hillyer Tatsumura, Mick Flynn, Mike Lewis, Vietnam Nancy Mikaelian Madey, Woodstock Trailer, Annie, Verizon, Google, Guita Sassoon Closing Music
PS- If you have need of an Ordained Minister of All Faiths and Spirituality please call me. We also can do the entire production for any event. Location, Video/Photography, Music, Food and more….
~ Reverend Paul Sladkus, 917 687 1790