by Patria Baradi Pacis

August birthday celebrants were James Burke, Cook Don Mendelson, Leon Day, Thomas Butler and Renea Farr. Everyone enjoyed the lemon birthday cake from the Bake Shoppe in town. Happy Birthday and may you all have many more.
Montauk finally got some much needed rain this September but still not enough. Tumbleweed Tuesday’s picnic on the 6th, was cancelled due to rain. I am glad to report that the Seafood Festival on the Village Green, the weekend of the 10th was a great success. Everything was freshly made. I ate so much seafood and went back for more lobster rolls to take home.
On the 12th, our late friend Nolda Vivo, a regular at the Center and her late daughter Nancy, had a great send off after St. Therese Lisieux services. Their ashes were dispersed on Fort Pond Bay, from the Viking Classic and champagne glasses were raised from Nolda’s Port Royal Co-op beach by son Sal Jr., playing Nolda’s favorite Beatles song “When I’m 64”, replaced by “When I’m 94” since Nolda turned 90 this year. We miss you Nolda.
Many came to attend the Montauk Historical Society Craft Fair on the weekend of the 17th and the Montauk Fire Department’s Big Bucks Bonanza that Sunday went all out with lots of hard working volunteers who served hamburgers, hot dogs, mussels, sweet corn on the cobs, potato and macaroni salads, fancy ice cream, sodas, beer, wine and unlimited raw oysters. It was very touching to hear Montauk student, Faith Mullaly sing “God Bless America.” I never get tired of Treasurer, Dick White’s voice, announcing the $50k winner. The band was great and the weather was beautiful. What a perfect day to end the summer.
If you are 60 or over, please join the young at hearts at the Senior Nutrition Center, located in the Playhouse at 240 Edgemere Street. The hours are 11am to 2pm, Monday to Friday. There are lots of activities after lunch, Wellness and Balance class on Tuesdays, Mahjong on Wednesdays, Bingo on Thursdays, Dominoes on Fridays and on the last Thursday of each month, Nurse Blanca is available for Blood Pressure Screening. Transportation is provided on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The Center is still looking for a Yoga instructor. For more info, kindly contact Executive Director Therese Jarmain at 631-668-1023 or email her at mtksenctr@gmail.com.