February Birthday Celebrant
February’s birthday celebrant was Richard Sexauer. Happy Birthday Richard. You had your cake and ate it all. Just kidding. We enjoyed sharing it with you and singing to you.
Although the calendar says it’s spring, many of the young at hearts still hesitate to put their winter coats away because they know better, especially when walking on the beach against the cold, ocean breeze. Still, one can’t help but be cheerful when seeing the daffodils or tulips peek out of the grounds, or hearing the birds chirp outside, during lunch. Losing one hour of sleep wasn’t bad either, especially when the days are longer. Yesterday, my black, lab, Princess, stayed out on the porch, sunbathing, for the first time this year. Soon the snowbirds will be returning and the town will be hustling and bustling again and the locals will be able to make right turns only from their driveway.
It was good to finally, drop the mask mandates. It’s been a long, two years of not being able to sit, right next to each other, or not being able to recognize one another, when shopping at IGA or when picking up mail at the post office. Shedding the mask during Yoga class, with Ms. Tsuyumi on Mondays and Fridays, or during Wellness class, with Nurse Margaret on Tuesdays, made it so much easier to breathe while exercising. It was also easier to understand, what they were saying, instead of listening to muffled sounds. We still try to social distance, so as not to bump into each other, for safety precautions. Believe it or not, the aches and pains do disappear after a while.
If you are at least 60 years young and older, and would like to join this fun, loving, and friendly, group to eat a well-balanced and home-tasting, three course meal, that’s served on real china and silverware for only $3.00, please come. Bring a friend or caregiver with you. You can also come to exercise, play cards, dominoes, mahjong or you can win at bingo, lots of prizes for only 0.75 cent a card. For more info, kindly call Executive Director Therese Jarmain at least 24 hours in advance at 631 668 1023 or email her at mtksenctr@gmail.com.
The Center is open Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00p.m. Transportation is currently provided on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays only. Hopefully, another driver will soon be hired to fill in the Mondays and Wednesdays needed. Enjoy the April showers with the flowers and have a Happy Easter and Passover!