by Patria Baradi-Pacis
April showers continued throughout the month of May. The trees, daffodils and tulips were happy. The weather was chilly especially with the Montauk winds, but that didn’t stop the young at heart from coming to the Center to have fun with their peers. One can play bingo, cards, dominoes, and mahjong or keep active by taking chair yoga, tai-chi and meditation.
Seniors born in April were Therese Jarmain, Ann Naughton, Mary and Mike Delligatti and Myrna Syvertsen. A delicious carrot cake was ordered by Executive Director Sharon Sennefeld who has been doing a terrific job decorating the center with new curtains, pillows, paintings and games. Most are from the Montauk Community Church Women’s Guild who collect donations from generous donors all year round and Sharon’s expertise in looking for bargains up island.

Dearly missed was April baby, Irene Attinello who passed away on April 3 due to complications from a stroke last January. She would have been 90 years old. Irene was always cheerful and pleasant to chat with along with her caregiver Maria Davis.

On a happier note, I would like to introduce and welcome the new chef in town, Derek. We look forward to enjoying Chef Derek’s scrumptious entrées and desserts.
We have so much to be thankful for living in a community whose citizen really care for each other, young and old. Hopefully this summer will create more precious memories for everyone to treasure. Happy Birthday April babies and welcome back snow birds!
If you are sixty or over please join the center. For more info kindly contact Sharon at 631 668 1023 or e-mail her at mtksenctr@gmail.com.