by Patria Baradi Pacis
November and December Birthday Celebrants

The Senior Nutrition Center has been busy the past couple of months. Young at hearts Jean Ruggles, Maria Davis, Gladys Butler and Constance Lopez born in the month of November had a lot to be thankful for during their Thanksgiving turkey luncheon on November 22 and cake on November 30. Hard working volunteer and board member Aster Stein, Frank Knoll and Dorothy Malik born in the month of December celebrated their birthdays on December 22 surrounded by beautifully decorated Christmas tree, holiday music and cheers of egg nog drinks that put everyone in good spirit.
Montauk Senior Nutrition Center Founder, Eileen Bock Honored For 25 Years of Service
On the beautiful, sunny Wednesday, December 20, Executive Director Eileen Bock was honored at the Montauk Senior Nutrition Center by the Town of East Hampton. Newly elected Supervisor Peter Van Scoyok presented Ms. Bock a Proclamation Plaque together with Human

Services Director Diane Patrizio, Superintendent of Recreation John Rooney and Senior Clerk Sue Beckwith.
In front of Ms. Bock’s staff, including Chef Eric Salvadori and Assistant Perulla Volk, volunteers and forty young seniors, a dozen long stem red roses was presented by board member Anita Peel representing other board members Aster Stein, Gladys Butler, Jerry Cutillo and Myrna Syvertsen with a second plaque of appreciation After the presentation, teary-eyed Ms. Bock thanked the attendees followed by a special lunch and cake was served while being entertained by 96 years young, Jazz Saxophonist Pat DeRosa, pianist daughter Patricia and singer and granddaughter Nicole who sang Christmas songs.
This reporter and the Montauk community is very appreciative of Ms. Bock’s hard work and love for the seniors of Montauk. I remember the first time my family and I met Ms. Bock at the Center’s original location, the Community Church after moving to Montauk in 1995. Mom then 85, was welcomed with open arms and from then on looked forward to the lunches and comraderies with her peers until her passing six years ago at the age of 102. Precious memories of good times that will last a lifetime.
Congratulations Eileen! Montauk thanks you and loves you especially the young at heart. May 2018 bring you good health and happiness!
On A Sad Note…

8/28/1920 – 11/20/17
On a sad note, Montauk lost another Icon lady, my friend Lucille Malouche who recently celebrated a double milestone: her birthday on August 28 and at the Center’s Over 90’s Party with her fellow nonagenarians on August 31. Lucille was 97 years young and full of energy until a couple of months before her passing on November 20. She was a world traveller and commuted to Hawaii during winter. She was petite and humble and never boast about herself and past accomplishments. Many are not aware that she was honored by her sisters at the Arlington Cemetery’s Dedication of the Museum for Women in the Armed Forces of the United States for her service so that future generations will know.
I remember watching Lucille march at the annual Montauk Memorial Day Parade, proudly wearing her World War II and Korean War Navy Nurse’s uniform as a Lieutenant and as a Lieutenant Commander. She was a School Nurse. Lucille was very independent and drove to and from the Senior Center for lunch and all of the Montauk social events. When she couldn’t drive anymore, she took the Manor bus so as not to miss any functions.
Her Montauk Manor neighbors Joseph and Adrienne Bresnan wrote an e mail dated November 22 in remembrance of Lucille for all to share: ” Lucille was a vibrant person intensely active in the Montauk community, contributing her views and support to things political, social, cultural, environmental, and who was at all times devoutly spiritual.” “Most of us will never forget Lucille as a person of family, of humanity and of good will. A gentle woman who always went out of her way to help people in need. We have embraced her relationship to each of us as a true mentor and a person who made our lives better by the simple act of authentic friendship. Lucille-ALOHA.”
NOTE: A memorial service is scheduled on Saturday, May 5, 2018, 11:00 a.m.
St. Therese Lisieux Catholic Church
I will miss you Lucille, especially your big smile and positive outlook in life. Thanks for being a good and loyal friend. Until we meet again!
For more info about the center, kindly contact 631 668 1023 or check the website: