![Hamptons Observatory Header](https://www.montauksun.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Hamptons-Observatory-Header.jpg)
May & June 2021
Exploring the Spring Sky: A Northeastern Native American Perspective
DATE: Monday, May 3, 2021
TIME: 7:00 – 8:00 PM
PRESENTER: Mandy Jackson with William F. Taylor
CO-SPONSOR: Amagansett Library
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Please email Director@AmagansettLibrary.org
FURTHER INFO or QUESTIONS: www.HamptonsObservatory.org HamptonsObservatory@gmail.com
Join us for a virtual presentation as we explore aspects of astronomy and stargaze together. We will examine the predawn and night sky, the stars and their relationships to the culture, traditions, lore, mythology and legends of Northeastern Indigenous Peoples.
Educator Mandy Jackson of the Turtle Clan, Montaukett Indian Nation, is also a member/discussion leader of the Montaukett Women’s Circle. She served as a member of the Suffolk County Native American Advisory Board and is an advocate for the Montaukett people. William Francis Taylor is a NASA Solar System Ambassador and Hamptons Observatory’s Senior Educator.
Hamptons Observatory extends its thanks to Mandy Jackson for generously taking the time to share her knowledge, to William Francis Taylor for his astro expertise, and to Amagansett Library for their kind collaboration on this program.
Tickets are free but limited. If two or more people will be watching the event together (sharing the same screen), only one person needs to register. If after you register you find you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation so someone on the wait list can attend.
The Sky: Why It Matters and How We Might Lose It
DATE: Tuesday, June 8, 2021
TIME: 2:00 – 3:00 PM
PRESENTER: Prof. Andy Lawrence
CO-SPONSOR: South Fork Natural History Museum
REGISTRATION: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkdyoqT4iH9TEYikw7DQa6drCgEKjCdsJ
FURTHER INFO or QUESTIONS: www.HamptonsObservatory.org
It’s tempting to think of Astronomy as beautiful but useless. It is indeed beautiful – the sky and its mysteries enchant, intrigue and inspire us – but it is far from useless. Study of the sky has played a key role in human culture, economy, technology and science. For good or ill, it is part of the modern industrial-technological-military complex.
But today our view of the sky, and our potential to study the universe, is being horribly damaged – by light pollution, by annexation of the sky by streaking satellites, and by rapidly worsening space debris. Prof. Lawrence will try to explain what is going on, and what we can do about it.
Andy Lawrence is the Regius Professor of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh. He is an expert on Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei, and has also spent many years working on Survey Astronomy – mapping the Universe at every wavelength from far-infrared to X-rays. He is author of the book, “Losing the Sky.”
Hamptons Observatory extends its appreciation to Prof. Lawrence for generously taking the time to share his expertise and to SoFo for its kind collaboration on this program.
Tickets are free but limited. If two or more people will be watching the event together (sharing the same screen), only one person needs to register. If after you register you find you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation so someone on the wait list can attend. Thanks!
Hamptons Observatory (HO), a 501(c)(3) NYS nonprofit that relies on public support has served the South Fork since 2005. Its mission: to foster interest in science, particularly astronomy, through educational programs. Lectures, star parties, portable planetarium shows and other events are held throughout the South Fork, often in collaboration with other nonprofit organizations. HO has established the first astronomical observatory on the South Fork (on the campus of the Ross School in East Hampton), complete with Long Island’s largest research-grade telescope; these facilities will soon be accessible over the internet to students, teachers, researchers and the general public. Hamptons Observatory offers all of its programs free-of-charge to encourage participation regardless of economic status. For further information or to make a tax-deductible donation to support our mission, please go to our website www.HamptonsObservatory.org. To be placed on our list for event notices, please email HamptonsObservatory@gmail.com