by Evelyn J. Mocbeichel
We are on the email list for continual updates of programs presented by the Montauk Library. Throughout the year they have wonderful programs for both adults and children. With our three children now grown adults I can only read about the exciting children’s programs going on that are included in these notices. Finally I had an opportunity to take advantage of some of them when our two young grandchildren came to visit us in Montauk this summer. They were happy to be spending time with grandma and grandpa while their parents were on business trips and activities in their home state.
There are events for children in the 2 to 5 year old group, which include “Stay & Play”, Playfit with Rachel, painting, Music with Miss Lori and storytelling. Since our grandchildren are 8 and 9, I looked for things they would enjoy attending and called the library to register them. Most programs have an enrollment limit, so it is best to register early for these popular events. The two programs that caught my eye were the “Family Pool Party Cupcakes”, which was a pool themed decorating class. The class was presented by Theresa Maritato of Theresa’s Programs, a warm, friendly and lovely young woman who obviously enjoyed working with young children and sharing her talents. Her business card described what she does as “Arts & Crafts, Fun Food Programs, Animal Education and much more”. And for the children that were there that day, she certainly turned cupcake decorating into a creative and unique experience. Very well organized, set up in the community room, each child was given plastic utensils, a can of frosting, sandwich bags of mini colorful candies and plastic gloves. The children were given ideas how to create their masterpieces. Crushed graham crackers could be made to look like sand, blue tubes of food dye was added to some of the white frosting to make it look like the ocean and tiny gummy bears and Teddy Grahams were the figures on the beach. Tiny paper umbrellas completed the scene. Older children came on their own, while some parents attended to assist their younger children as this class the ages ranged from 3 to early teens.
Watercolor painting with the Art nanny was another class that caught my eye and two separate classes were planned for different age groups. One class was for children 2-5, with a caregiver along and the other was later in the afternoon for children K-5. Both required advanced registration. What I also learned that week was that the library sends out an email on a rainy day to announce a movie will be shown. Since I never checked my computer that day I only found out later when a friend told me that she received an email that “Dumbo” would be shown in the community room. What a wonderful idea for families with children looking for something to do during inclement weather. Besides these programs, there are always interesting exhibits on display in the glass cases downstairs, puzzles to play with, and of course a wonderful children’s section of books to explore and borrow. Sign up for email messages or stop by the front desk to pick up a current flyer of “Library Events.” The Montauk Library is celebrating 40 years and is continually adding new and exciting programs to its itinerary.
631-668- 3377 montauklibrary.org