Fishing is full on for the most part. Just recently the Fluke have woken up and some fine Flatties are coming over the rails. Now it’s not red hot, but between the short Fluke and the Black Sea Bass, the rods are staying bent. All the usual spots are producing fish. Positioning yourself correctly to drift properly with the wind, and the particular tide at the time, is the key. Squid strips topped with spearing is a good reliable bait that the Fluke always like. Bouncing the rod tip, giving the bait some action is also a good technique. Fluke are aggressive feeders, so giving the bait or lure some action really gets their attention. Keep in mind as a reminder, the Fluke bag limit is 3 per angler and the size limit is 19 inches. August 2nd the length goes to 19.5 inches and the season closure is on October 15th.
Black Sea Bass also hang is the same general areas as the Fluke, and provide great action while you’re waiting for the “Doormat” to come along. Again, as a reminder Black Sea Bass size requirement is 16.5 at 3 per angler till August 31st. September 1st – December 31st bag limit goes to 6 per angler. 16.5″ is a big Sea Bass. So to reduce the catching of the smaller Sea Bass try Diamond Jigs! The majority of bites you get will be bigger fish, thus reducing damage to the smaller fish and increasing your odds of getting your legal sized fish limit! Hit the bottom with the jig, then jerk up quickly, then lower the rod back down and repeat the process.
The offshore report is pretty active. There are some really nice eddies spinning off the Gulfstream right now. All along the Edge fish can be found, depending on where the edge of the warm water eddies are meeting the cooler water. Really shaping up to be another great Tuna season out on the edge! While, closer to shore, the whales, porpoise, birds are all on the massive shoals of Sand Eels and the Giant Bluefin tunas are right there with them, gorging themselves on the massive amounts of bait available. It is truly an exciting sight to see.
The weather has shaped up, the fishing is good, it’s time to go!!!
~ Tight Lines, Captain Skip