Ghost of a Storm by Chris Genute
Montauk is known for its lighthouse, superb sunsets, swimming, boating, fish industry, and ghosts. As a new author and talented artist, Chris Genute takes a look back in history as she spins her tale of intrigue. It’s set among Montauk’s beautiful landscapes, including the magnificent Stanford White mansion, which sits above the cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Montauk. As the mystery unfolds, this quick reading Gothic Love Story will keep you wondering.
The main character Lynn, an artist living in SOHO, embarks on a journey from NY to Montauk, and the magical world of beauty, romance, and mystery begins to reveal a story of secrets and folklore passed, or possibly hidden, from generation to generation. Her innocent attempt to ‘get away’ and paint in the home of her dear friends who have taken a trip abroad, takes a drastic turn and Lynn finds herself in the middle of an unbelievable situation of immortal deceit.
Update: On one of my past authors, Poet Joan Beverly – ‘Tender Chains’ has released a second book of humorous poetry ‘Haiku for Jewtalian Mothers’ which has been available on Amazon since June. She will be giving a reading from ‘Tender Chains’ and ‘Haiku for Jewtalian Mothers’ at the Jermaine Library in Sag Harbor on Sunday, October 9 at 1 PM.
In each issue of The Montauk Sun, I will have a book and /or author highlighted. However, I also welcome submissions from readers. So, if you have an author/book to recommend I’d love to hear about it. Or, do a short review and I’ll add it to the column. If not, I’ll just continue to share some of my favorites. Please e-mail your ideas to mtksue@gmail.com.