Poetry Corner with Lawrence Spiro

June is the traditional bridal month.  It is Spring at its best.   The sun, not to hot, shines on love and peace between our hopeful couple.    This poem is written in an “ottava Rima” format.  There is no better way to express the highest point of love then in this Italian form of poetry The second poem calls out the month of June.


Lawrence Spiro (Revised 2023)
Love lays ready her gallant heart to him.
He approaches with care and touches her,
both now and forever in light or dim.
Quondam visions yield to her beauty pure,
waifing warmly past over ageless streams.
Two to be one under G-d each demur.
Nature eventuates her lifelong dreams.
They move together, all is as it seems.
He looks up to her, he echoes his plea.
His time moves quickly from winter to Spring
yearning that she will now set his heart free.
In his moist hand is love’s eternal ring,
The rose bud glistens for the dancing bee.
She answers the question to all these things
with hand extended, excited for this,
she says yes.  He laughs, they embrace and kiss.
Cleaved as one, they exchange words worth singing.
With beating heart, he trembles with sweet joy.
She smiles long of this new beginning
knowing now stands a man erstwhile a boy.
He swoons with countless thoughts not speaking
about summer then fall leaving doer.
She was taught about all of the seasons
all the promises and all the reasons.

Muse of June

Lawrence Spiro 5/2023


The winter’s gaze severe and chilled

sees cold in a tic of frigid toc.

But relief in time will be fulfilled

when sweet wet June punches nature’s clock.


 June ruminates

Cuckoo   its June!

April is the cruelest month(1)

April is a waste.

April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.”  (2)


Then soggy May blows bugs and pollen everywhere.

“Darling buds of May”  (3) buds bloom blah blah

Makes me chokegagspit those smelly petulant petals out.


You like June.

You love June don’t you?


Jeh teh  mor oh  hu  ju ooh ooh


Dum dum da dum—- dum dum  da dum  (4)

Wah wah wah

Bicker bicker


Uh oh July is leaking in

I came

I’m gone


  1. S. Elliot The Waste Land
  2. Edna St. Vincent Millay Spring
  3. Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summers day
  4. Here Comes the Bride (tune)