Dear Good News & Peace Friends,
Last month, our company, Milestone Broadcast Corporation (MBC) announced that we are commencing our HISTORIC survey; Peace, Love & HOPE Research Study 2019. Your participation in this project will be greatly appreciated. We believe this brief survey will help humanity when we share the results with the world. MBC has been a leader in research for niche markets since 1988. You can go directly to the survey by going to: https://goo.gl/forms/h3AIeZMvWbekCftV2
Please share the survey with your friends and community.
We request that you fill out the short survey by April 30th. Your name & email is optional, but we will share a Certificate of Appreciation with you and other peace opportunities.
One of the opportunities will be to attend screenings of our movie: Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE in the New York City area soon. Here is our rough cut link with some of the highlight for our documentary feature film/TV series as of 3/27/19: http://goodnewsplanet.com/woodstock-forever-peace-love-hope-a-good-news-film-and-tv-radio-series/
Our plan is to release the movie on July 4th, as this is a freedom day…War No More.
On other Good News, here are some quotes to enjoy, many that appear on our www.goodnewsplanet.TV.
“If We Can Dream It WE CAN DO IT” ~Walt Disney
“I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.” ~Aunt Rae
“Choose to focus your time, energy and conversation around people who inspire you, support you and help you to grow you into your happiest, strongest, wisest self.” ~Karen Salmansohn
“I Cannot Do All The Good That The World Needs, But The World Needs All The Good That I Do.” ~Jana Stanfield
“Be Kind and Carry On.” ~Unknown
“All we are is what we are with each other” ~Zeal Greenberg
Lastly, also please join our www.peacedayparty.org on September 21. The International Day of Peace on September 21st was unanimously agreed to by 193 countries of the United Nations. Peace Day has been around since 1984 and was reinvigorated in 2002. We will be part of the Vigil for International Peace and Ecology in Central Park on September 15 all day (www.vigil4peace.org) in the Bandshell and our Times Square, Peace Day Party on September 21 starting at 11am. Please go to our site, www.peacedayparty.org to volunteer and help our nonprofit with strengthening the message of World Peace Unconditionally.
With Peace, Love & HOPE,
Reverend Paul Sladkus and the Good News & Peace Team.