Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE Nonprofit Movie, Book and Video Game Release Is a Major Success.
Good News Corporation, GNC, a nonprofit humanitarian media company produced the 20th Anniversary of Woodstock with Richie Havens and a group from Woodstock in Times Square in 1989. GNC has now created a full-length nonprofit documentary feature which includes current media and everyday icons, companion book written by Paul Sladkus, Executive Producer and video game titled Hug For Peace which are all available with a small donation to the nonprofit at www.woodstockforever.org or below.
GNC added current media icons in the fair use news to tell the story and every day citizens who represent and act in Peace, Love & HOPE into the movie. Go to www.woodstockforever.org to see the sizzle with a video log. The movie includes many Peace, Love & HOPE celebrities: Michael Douglas, Kirk Douglas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift, Kasey Musgraves, Ringo Starr, Neil De Grosse, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Diana Ross, Mr. Rogers Tom Hanks, Rocketman Elton John, Lion King, The Simpsons, Dionne Warwick, John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen/Pete Seeger, Louis Armstrong, Annie, Deepak Chopra, Orange is the New Black, Loud House, Coco, Princess Bride, Spaceballs, Gone with the Wind, Life of Pets, Clone Wars, Dr. Jane Goodall, Ellen DeGeneres, David Lynch, Harlem Globetrotters, UN Peacekeepers, Gayle King, Parrots for Peace, Seinfeld, Friends and lots of children & pets…
Here are two direct links for our sizzle reel https://vimeo.com/345741458 and our rough cut of the movie: https://vimeo.com/352704791
Hug For Peace Video Game: https://kwc318.itch.io/hug-for-peace
Companion Woodstock Forever Book: http://goodnewsplanet.com/what-does-peace-mean-to-you-the-book/
Movie Showings: Woodstock Festival, we.2019.org August 16,17,18, Pan American Film Festival Toronto Film Festival September 11,12, Hamptons Watermill TBD, Bayside Queens TBD, Vigil for International Peace & Ecology at Central Park, NYC September 15th, International Love Film Festival, Santa Monica, Los Angeles September 20, Times Square September 21, www.peacedayparty.org, Asian Film Festival Los Angeles in December.
For information, paul.sladkus@goodnewsbroadcast.com
NOTE: For the Movie, Book, Game go to, www.WoodstockForever.org to make a donation. We are still tweaking the Movie, i.e. adding Woodstock 50 Events (Bethel, North Carolina…./other important content and will share all updates with everyone who donates forever. Paul