The Moon Revisited:
50 Years After Apollo & Gateway to Mars
presented by Carter Emmart
2:00 PM Saturday, August 3, 2019
Ross School, Senior Thesis Building
9 Goodfriend Drive, East Hampton NY 11937

Join Carter Emmart for a walk through the historic Apollo landing sites as visualized from current data sent back from a now international fleet of spacecraft imaging the Moon. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter—the mission of which includes identifying sites close to potential resources with high scientific value, favorable terrain and the environment necessary for safe future robotic and human lunar missions–has imaged what was left on the Moon fifty years ago by Apollo 11, as well as during the Soviet era and more recent Chinese robotic rover missions. As we look forward, it is clear that Moon will be an international work place, following on the success of the International Space Station. What we learn there will prepare us for deeper adventures to Mars and beyond.
Carter Emmart is Director of Astrovisualization at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and has directed all five of the Hayden Planetarium’s amazing space shows. He leads a NASA-funded effort at the AMNH called OpenSpace (https://OpenSpaceProject.com) which visualizes data interactively to explore the vast amounts of imagery sent back from planetary missions, earth satellites and astronomical observatories. OpenSpace drives presentations at the Hayden Planetarium but can also be downloaded for free to run on home computers. Emmart previously worked at NASA Ames Research Center and the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Montauk Observatory would like to thank the Ross School for hosting this event, and Carter for showing us the wonders of our Universe!
Montauk Observatory (MO), a 501(c)(3) NYS nonprofit, has served the South Fork since 2005, and relies on public support (e.g., small donations) to operate. The mission of the organization is to foster interest in science, particularly astronomy, through educational programs. Lectures, star parties, portable planetarium shows, and other events are held throughout the South Fork, often in partnership with other nonprofit organizations. MO has established the first astronomical observatory on the South Fork (in East Hampton), complete with Long Island’s largest research-grade telescope; these facilities will soon be made accessible over the internet to students, teachers, researchers and the general public. Montauk Observatory offers all of its programs free-of-charge to encourage participation regardless of economic status. For further information about Montauk Observatory, to join MO’s list for event notices, or to make a tax-deductible donation, please visit MontaukObservatory.com or email MontaukObservatory@gmail.com