by Patria Baradi Pacis

Thank You Dad, For Making Me The Woman I Am Today

One of the many things my father taught me is to never give up, especially when the chips are down. He taught me that nothing is impossible if you will it. As a Filipina girl, I already had two strikes againts me when I was born. Then, most caucasian, male had it all. I learned that women had to work harder and be better than their counterparts in order to be promoted. He said: “ As long as you worked hard, was polite to others especially the elders, and instead of complaining, doing something about it, good things will come to you.”

Since Dad was a diplomat, my family and I travelled extensively and moved to different countries every four years. I had to learn to get along with children from different cultures and customs. I had to learn to speak their language to be able to communicate better. Even though it was hard to say good-bye to friends and make new ones, I learned to accept the sadness I felt when leaving.

Dad treated everyone equal from servants to kings. He loved his job and worked 24/7. But he never forgot his family. He taught me how to pray before each meal and before going to bed. He taught me to say: “Thank you” and “You’re welcome” and to always smile and compliment someone. He taught me to find the good in people especially the ones I didn’t like.

Although you have been gone for 38 years, there is not a day that passes by without something reminding me of you. I miss you Dad. I miss your hugs and kisses especially the times when I hurt my arm as a child and you kissed and said:“It does not hurt, it does not hurt.” After a short moment, the pain would be gone. Ahh! the power of suggestion.

I remember when I got scared when watching a scary movie, you would tell me “It’s only card board. It’s not real.” Then I wouldn’t have nightmares at night.

I remember how important you made me feel when coming home from a business trip. You always brought me a little gift to let me know you were thinking of me.

I miss you Dad. You helped me change the world. Thank you for making me the woman I am today. Happy Father’s Day!